A NEW £7.1million dog rehoming centre is taking shape ahead of its launch next year.

The Dogs Trust’s new centre is being built on the 13-acre Stevenson Farm site, at the junction of the A127 and Nevendon Road, near Wickford.

The outline and foundations of the new building are clear to see and the main reception, dog kennels, re-homing and puppy training area have been built as well as a separate welcoming area and dog welfare area.

Project surveyor Paul Wass, who has been involved in ten major projects across the country since he joined the Dogs Trust, said he was excited about the project and couldn’t wait for it to open next year.

He said: “This is going to be a state-of-the-art facility and everything is on schedule and on budget. We have made very good progress since the project began and I am excited about finishing and seeing it well used.”

The dogs will be housed in glass-fronted kennels and will have access to outside areas.

Behind the central reception will be 20 overflow kennels for other dogs waiting to be rehomed and a dog welfare unit where appointments can be made to book and groom a pet.

Other buildings will have larger kennels for the dogs who will use the Dogs Trust centre as a permanent home.

People will be able to go in and donate towards their care.

The eco-friendly building will have photovoltaic solar panels on the roof to capture the sun’s rays and all rain water will be collected in an underground tank and reused to clean the glass-fronted dog cages every morning.

Thirty-five staff will be recruited and a number of volunteers for ventures such as dog walking and cleaning will also be needed.

The centre – which will have two houses on site for staff – will also employ managers, canine carers and maintenance workers.

An information day on the new facility will be held at the Towngate Theatre, Basildon, on Saturday September 14 from 11am to 3pm.