A CYCLIST is unhappy with the state a cycle path on the island has been left in.

Essex County Council secured funding in January to improve the cycle way between Somnes Avenue and Benfleet rail station.

However, Paul Mcinerney, 55, said the track has been left in a terrible state and doesn't understand why.

"I ride along it to get to Benfleet station every day.

"It has been left in a shocking state.

"They have just scraped off the under surface and put a covering of tarmac down and then just left it.

"I haven't seen anyone there for about five weeks.

"They have just left it in a state."

He added that new lamp posts had been put in alongside the cycle path, but the old posts had been left in the middle of the path.

Mr Mcinerney added: "Part of the route has been finished on Somnes Avenue near the petrol station, but that is only for about 100 metres.

"The rest of it is a shambles.

"I can't believe they left it like that.

"In some parts I have to cycle in the road instead of on the cycle way.

"It could be really good - but they have they left it in such a state."

The construction of the cycle way was controversial from the outset.

Councillor Barry Campagna called the scheme a "waste of money".

The roadworks put in place while the work on the cycle way also caused chaos, especially along Somnes Avenue, angering residents.

A spokesman for Essex County Council said that the works were running to schedule, beginning in February to be substantially completed by summer 2016.

The website reads: "A pause to the programme had been planned to allow other works to be undertaken in the area before final works recommence.

"The scheme will reconvene at a future advertised date later this summer to complete remaining works on site, which will include some final surfacing and lamp column removal."

The improvements are being paid for by a grant secured by Essex County Council from the South Essex Local Sustainable Transport Fund