A motorcyclist who died after a crash in Pitsea on bank holiday Monday was a teenage boy, police have confirmed.

Emergency services filled High Road, in Pitsea, on Monday night after reports that a motorbike had been involved in a serious crash on the road close to the Tesco supermarket.

Despite the best efforts of emergency service workers, the motorcyclist - a teenage boy - was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash.

Essex Police has confirmed that no other vehicles were involved in the crash, and at this stage of the investigation it is not believed any “third parties” were involved.

The road was closed as police carried out investigations at the scene.

Despite no other vehicles being involved, Essex Police is urging any witnesses or anyone with dash-cam footage to come forward as a matter or urgency.

Leader of Basildon Council, Andrew Baggott, said the incident was a tragedy.

He added: “My thoughts go out to the family and those involved. I echo the police’s request that anyone with more information must come forward at the earliest opportunity.

“I have to also thank the emergency services as it must have been incredibly traumatic, so my thoughts go out to them as well. It’s very upsetting and a sad situation all round.”

Mayor of Basildon and Pitsea South East Ward councillor, Luke Mackenzie, added: “My thoughts are with the family at this difficult time. Anyone who witnessed anything or has any dashcam footage should get in touch with Essex Police as soon as possible.”

The family of the biker have been informed of the crash and are being supported by specialist officers.

Dozens of people have responded to the news on Echo’s Facebook page by posting “RIP”, “Fly High” and sending condolences to the man’s family and loved ones.

A spokesman for Essex Police said: “We are appealing for any information about a collision in Pitsea on the bank holiday weekend. We were called by paramedics to reports of a collision in High Road at about 10.40pm on Monday August 28. A motorcyclist appeared to have been involved in a singlevehicle collision and sadly, despite the best efforts of the emergency services, died at the scene. If you have any information regarding this incident, or have any dashcam footage, please contact us quoting incident number 1329 of August 28.”