A MUCH-LOVED Leigh priest is officially stepping down from his role to start a new life down under...six months after initially announcing his plans to move to Australia.

Father Clive Hillman, 52, has announced he is officially resigning from his role as priest at St Clement’s Church in Leigh after almost ten years at the church.

He will fly to Australia in November after being offered the a new role by the Archbishop of the South Perth Church.

Father Clive said: “The role is that of the office of Archdeacon Assisting, a role we do not have in the Church of England.

“It is an Archdeacon without a geographical Archdeaconry, but with a specific portfolio.

“More specifically I can say that I will take on two days a week as a locum looking after parishes as needed and four days a week working with the Archbishop’s Office and team on a variety of roles.”

Initially, Father Clive was due to move to Australia in March to take up the role of Rector of the parish of South Perth.

However, the role was filled, causing a delay in his plans to move to the other side of the world.

Now, he is eagerly looking forward to the big move, but did admit he will miss his loyal parishioners.

He added: “It’s very exciting and a bit daunting. After nearly ten years in Leigh, having been a town councillor, mayor’s Chaplain in the City and being involved in Churches Together in Leigh as well as the Church of England in the area, there is a lot to miss.

“Leigh has many good and faithful people seeking to do the best for all and it’s been a privilege to know them.

“I’m looking forward to a different role and responsibilities, learning a new way of life and having sunny weather.”

His last Sunday service will be on October 22 at 8am, a sung parish mass at 10am followed by a lunch for the congregation and a 4pm Evensong which is followed by drinks for the parish and wider community.