A SCHOOL sport scheme which sends sixth-formers to local primary schools to teach tag rugby, is proving a success.

The scheme is currently running at Quilters Infants and Primary, Sunnymede Infants and Juniors, South Green Junior, Brightside Primary and Buttsbury Infants schools, in Billericay, and is set to be introduced into more schools across Basildon.

Billericay Lions, that raises money for local causes, has donated kit bags and balls to the scheme.

Richard Marson, Lions community services chairman, said: “Football is all the rage and I think rugby needs a little lift, so we were happy to support anything which gets youngsters involved.”

Dave Hare, Youth Chairman of Basildon Rugby Club, has trained five Year 12 students from Billericay school, and five from Mayflower High School, as qualified coaches.

He said: “Tag is a non-contact version of rugby and is a good game for young girls and boys to learn because it’s a team game, so it gives them social skills.

“It’s really fun and very easy to pick up.”

Anyone interested in sponsoring the scheme should e-mail davehare@blueyonder.co.uk