Further to my letter about roads being in a better condition in the north of England, confirmed by another reader, I thought it was time for another road trip.

Trying to get out of Southend proved difficult with all the road works.

However, the council had finally come up with a use for one of its expensive, and usually pointless, road information signs.

Isn’t it embarrassing when you’ve bought an expensive information gadget and then found you have nothing much to put on it, other than to tell us to wear our seat belts or not use our mobile phones when driving?

I was much bemused as I drove away from Southend, struggling through the single lanes at the Victoria Circus roundabout, to read the huge information sign which warned me about the delays heading into Southend on Victoria Avenue!

Enlightened by this useless information, but heartened to realise someone on the council had a sense of humour, I continued on my way.

I avoided the overspill hospital car park, named Carlton Avenue, and headed onto the open road, still travelling at five miles an hour, so I could safely cross the road humps the council has spread around Southend like some kind of rash.

Where did I end up?

Cheddar Gorge perhaps?

No, I gave up my fight to get out of town and went “rock climbing” in Carlton Avenue.

So much more of a challenge, really.

I know big projects excite our council, but will no one simply look after what we’ve got and do the boring maintenance things, so we can all get around much more comfortably?

Chris Russell
Bridgwater Drive