I read with interest the comments of Lynda Gordon, leader of the Labour group on Basildon Council, regarding the Dale Farm eviction.

As she states she is ashamed to live in Basildon and ashamed of the human race, I take it she must be including those who voted her into office.

It would seem this shows she has no regard for her constituents, and even less for her party leader, who has said the rule of law must be upheld.

This would appear to be a typical strategy of the leftwingers, who are always right and think anyone who disagrees with them are idiots who can’t think for themselves. I hope those constituents who voted her in will be having second thoughts at the next election and vote her out.

Or if she had any decency, she would resign and let someone in more in tune with the people of Basildon.

J Smith
Kings Park

...I am sick and tired of reading about Dale Farm.

All we seem to read about is the elderly and the young.

Is it meant to pull at our heart strings? Well think on. Caravans aren’t the sort of places for kids or old people.

And as for Lynda Gordon being ashamed of living in Basildon, well don’t let us keep her here.

Yes, there are many more gipsies living around Basildon, but they keep within the law, If the council gives in to pressure, then this would send a clear message to us all that it is OK to flaunt the law.

As for the protesters, if they interfere with the police when the eviction takes place, the same justice should be meted out to them as to the London rioters.

K B Humphries
Archer Avenue