ANNA Firth finds it "almost unimaginable" Southend United are back in a transfer embargo.

The National League confirmed earlier this afternoon that the Shrimpers are again banned from making new signings.

And Ms Firth, the MP for Southend West, cannot believe Blues are facing up to yet more off-field issues.

In a statement issued this evening, Ms Firth said: “It seems almost unimaginable that we have again found ourselves in this situation.

"However, when it comes to Southend United, matters are rarely straightforward.

"Whilst for obvious reasons I cannot comment on proceedings, I can share that I have been in discussions with all parties on this deal, including a meeting at the Civic Centre just last week.

"I challenged officers about the delay and was assured that this was due to the complexity of the deal.

"But I do believe there is a genuine willingness from all sides to get this deal done as soon as practically possible."

And Ms Firth reassured concerned Shrimpers fans that Southend City Council are working hard to try and protect the club.

She added: "I have seen much anger directed towards Southend City Council and various councillors from all parties, largely due to a perceived opacity surrounding the deal.

"However I would like to assure fans that senior officers at the Council, Councillor Cox, and others are all working assiduously to ensure everything that could possibly be done to protect the club, is being done.

"The multi-faceted nature of the takeover, which includes a housing element at Fossetts Farm, rightly needs to be properly scrutinised and unfortunately, this takes a considerable amount of time.

"I know all parties are keen to complete as soon as possible, whilst no date has been set yet, I have no doubt that will be shared with supporters as soon as possible."

And Ms Firth insists she will also continue to fight for the future of National League clubs. 

She said: "I will continue to champion Southend United and the entire National League set-up in my role on the Football Governance Bill Committee, because events like today only highlight why the Bill is desperately needed.

"The Bill aims to put fans where they belong, at the heart of their clubs. Southend United is just two days away from it's 118th birthday and for every single second of that, it has been a huge part of the community and City.

"Whilst it may feel so very far away at the moment, I look forward to being back in the West Stand with many of you in August, cheering on Kevin and the boys for what I hope will be the first page of a new chapter to the history of Southend United.”